This is our part 2 of our votes for JD and Max's super bootilicious competition!!!
For Category 2 (Nifty Nubbins)... here are our votes...
We think that Stephy's booty deserves to win outright. We know its not fair for us to vote for Stephy - but then we feel that Stephy deserves to win this category - cos after all, her booty is the best and the biggesT!!!
However, if the judges dont allow us and insist on us to vote for others... here's our choices...
Cobi 2.
Oskar As for the next category - Category 3 (Fluffy Butt), we've only got one choice - and she's the outright winner for this...
She's got the fluffiest bootie that we've seen and she's the winner for this...
For the 4th category of BOTTOMS UP, there were many entries...
But I think that my entry... the antenna tail is perhaps the best.. *grins*
But coming in very very close.... is....
SASHA again!!!!!!!!!
is pretty good too.....
Mmmm I think we're gonna call it good night for now. There's too much booty to digest for us. We'll come up with Category 5's votes in a bit.
Fatty & Ally