Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Daddy, NO!

While Daddy was looking at this website - and he thought... how nice if he could get it for us at home... Hehehe... I was here thinking... NO Daddy. You are getting the wood crate furnitures - but no, it is not really for us... you will be using that for your own good more... I still prefer TREATS as presents, all the time!!! Dont get me wrong - these crate furnitures look really good, and it suits a perfect purpose! Just that - I still prefer treats.... hahaha... but I think I could sleep in there, while at the same time, it could fit perfectly well in the living room too!

My Birthday was a good one - and I am right now a 2 years old boy!!! =) 

So, as Daddy puts it - Perry has been the darling of the family. Hahaha Daddy, I think you are pretty good too... hahaha... but still 2nd to me!!! And no, I have not BEEN a super spoilt brat, in fact - I have been a rather good boy and I am always in my best behaviour! I do bring plenty of joy and cheers to the family. When I was born, I became the all new prince of the house... or sometimes, the King of the house... =) No Daddy... that is NOT true. I have been KING since Day ONE. 

So... what should Daddy get me for my birthday?


Daddy was thinking of the stuffs that they have at wooddogcrate.com - something that is ideal for the house, as well as for me and Ally. Take a look at the site - if you are looking to find a great home for your dog and do not want to sacrifice design, then you can seriously consider dog crate furniture. Dog crate end tables allow you to incorporate your dog's dwelling into your living space while improving the look of your living area. 

I do agree - they do look nice, and look even nicer when I am inside hehehe... Wire and plastic crates are useful when crate training, but they are not the best long term solution for your dog if you want them to be a part of the family and spend time where you and your family spend time. 

Daddy thought, "... with these dog crate furniture, I could be putting his treats and doggie biscuits on top, while he patiently rests and sleeps at the bottom.... hahaha... an ideal add-on, isnt it?" No Daddy - you think you can outsmart me... but truth is... I am smarter than the average Miniature Schnauzer!

Since it is my birthday today, I am the KING of the house. Daddy says I have already done most of that already - I conquer his bed, his chair, his sofa.... and pretty much anything that belongs to him hahaha... That is so true.... So... what do you give a boy who just turn 2 years old? 

Hahahaha he did give me plenty of treats!!!! 

The Extremely PHOTOGENIC Schnauzer. =P

To sum it all up - I admit, I am just such a cute little fella. A rather misunderstood Miniature Schnauzer who is so smart and intelligent and adorable - but many think I am just a showoff. Hahahaha.... Daddy compares me to grandpa Uncle - I would say... the cuteness and adorabubblelicious runs in the genes!!!!! 

Happy Birthday to meeeeee!!! =P

I would like to request that you all head over to the Schnauzer Blog Instagram!!!! =P


Anonymous said...

Cutie patootie! :-)

Yours in waggitude,

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