Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Tummy Tickle Tuesday.

"If I lie down like that, I wonder if Daddy will give me a little tummy tickle?"

Monday, March 29, 2010

Mirror Image Monday.

See our expressions? If put at the mirror, we look so alike...

Sunday, March 28, 2010

My new shirt from Aunty Rachaelle!

Recently, Aunty Rachaelle - went to Bangkok with the other aunties and then came back - and got me a nice little shirt!!! Daddy was keeping it for awhile now - and then the other day he remembered to bring them over for me to try it on!

See how adorable I look in the *new* shirt!!!

I love Aunty Rachaelle for the new shirt - but here, I wanna say, I love my MUMMY MOST!


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Missing Doggy!

Our Daddy and Mummy are busy helping out to search for a particular little lost doggy! They found one earlier - but it turns out there were TWO missing - and this is the picture of the 2nd one who is missing!

Wolfgang is 7 years old this year and him and partner in crime Fei Fei ran away from home last night about 10.30pm (23rd March 2010) and was last seen at 3TwoSquare some time at night about 2-3am by the hardworking guard - whom managed to video a picture of Wolfgang slurping down water that the guard passed him.

If you happen to come across a beautiful large Black and nicely built Siberian Husky, do not be afraid of him! His looks are deceiving because he is as gentle as a mice and will not harm anybody at all. Just try to grab on to him and call Samantha at 016-2180080.

His profile:

Name: Wolfgang
Age: 7 years old
Built: Large
Colour: Black and white
Eye colour: Dark brown
Distinctive feature: A tiny white dot in his left eye.
Collar: Red collar with black lining, with paw prints all around

He was last seen by the guards with wounds near his eye area probably caused by fights. Please be gentle to him!

Please help pass the message along!

Thank you!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Thankful Thursday.

We apologize for the lack of updates recently - and also for the short blog posts, but then I'm sure our fans, friends and readers would forgive us, wont they? We miss you all so much! We would like to tell everyone that we are both very good - and are getting lots of 'walkies' time with Mummy and Daddy as well as our friend, Koyuki the Siberian Husky.

Do come back soon for more updates ok!

Love ya,

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

(can you guess who's this???)

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Spot The Schnauzer...

Take a closer look at the photo... can you spot Fatty? hehe...


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Thankful Thursday.


We have successfully hijacked Daddy's couch for us both!!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

(snuggling close to Daddy...)

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Sleepy Saturday.

I apologize for not being able to blog much recently - Mummy have been really busy with her work and had been hogging the laptop - so I have to resort to a very simple picture of me - a sleepy version.. taken 2 weeks ago at an undisclosed place LOL.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Spot the Schnauzer.

Do you know who is that I am looking at???

He's cute, he's handsome - and he's potentially my *exclusive*.


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