Monday, May 31, 2010

Mirror Image Monday.

Today's entry is a quick one - us both doing the same pose... =)

Sunday, May 30, 2010

women in white day 20.

Meanwhile, I was on day 20 of Uncle Joe's women in white series.

women in white day 19.

I appeared in Uncle Joe's women in white series day 19. Check it out here.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Mirror Image Monday.

Hahahaha Ally just... failed.

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Yesterday, the nice people from gave Daddy a little snack - and he then gave the snack to Mummy... hehehe...

Today - Mummy opened the snack to try out... I think if I were to be cute enough perhaps Mummy will give me some... *grins* hehehe...

"But then, perhaps Mummy prefers to give to me instead!!!" exclaimed Fatty.


Oh no you dont!!! Its all MINE!!! My Precious!!!!!!! =P


Thursday, May 20, 2010

Dressing up...

Last week, Daddy and Mummy brought us both out for dinner - and we got to play dress up!!!! I knew that everytime Mummy put on a nice dress/shirt/top for me - I get to go out.. the time was no different either...

See how pretty I am...

Here's a little side profile... see.. I'm just so cute right?


Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

(sharing Daddy's ice cream...)

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

(Waiting for dinner to be served....)

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Picture Perfect.

A picture with my Daddy and Mummy!!!! =)

Monday, May 10, 2010

I'm Hanging Around...

This is a quick post.

Daddy took me out to dinner awhile back. The restaurant didnt allow furkids - but that was not going to stop Daddy from taking me out. I promised him that I will not make any noise at all; Daddy actually put me inside Mummy's gym bag, with just my head sticking out...

Interestingly, nobody noticed. They all thought I was so sort of decor on the bag.

Okay now Daddy - where's the FOOD?????


Friday, May 7, 2010

Being Cute For Mummy... =)

Last week Daddy and Mummy brought us both - together with Koyuki the Husky to La Castle Cafe - it is a pet friendly place; in fact, it is a very cool place! I love it a lot!!!

I noticed Daddy and Mummy had plenty of food on the table. So I needed to try some of it. Mmm maybe perhaps ALL OF IT. But how....

Maybe if I were to give Mummy a cute pose....

Like this?

Or maybe I should just sit down....

But I prefer to have a chin rub from Mummy.....

Love Mummy,

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Going for a BBQ...

Last weekend - we went up - okay, halfway up Genting Highlands to celebrate Uncle Michael's birthday. It was... mmm I think he was turning 21 maybe; we cant be sure. Our new friends Ruffy and Senna wont tell us either... mmmph!

Ally: But I think he might be ONE year old. He only had to blow ONE candle!

True, but I dont know. Age are somewhat sensitive numbers for humans. Imagine us - you take your YEARS and TIMES IT BY SEVEN!!!! We would be MUCH MUCH OLDER MUCH FASTER than you all ya know... =)

Anyways, let me introduce you to our friend Senna.

The three of us look so adorable together - the three girls...

Hey Senna, where's your boyfriend Ruffy???

Senna: I dont know, probably beggin for food somewheree....

Ally: NO! I dont want him near me. He keeps trying to smell me - almost wanting to molest me already... Its not funny ok!

(Okay - we do know that Ally is on heat right now...)

"Hey - whats that over that? I think I smell barbeque meat!!!"

"Now to look for our Daddy.... DADDY DADDY!!! WHERE ARE YOU!!!???"


Sorry - no photos of us with Ruffy. He's a cute little fella - but Senna taken him already.


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