Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Party Pack...

Ahhh... this was from our birthday - some presents for our darling friends!

Friday, September 17, 2010

Our Birthday Picture.

Ahhh... more pictures!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Our Birthday!!!

We would like to thank our friends for coming for our little party last night!!!

We're sorry we couldnt invite everyone - it was very last minute, but anyways, we would like to share my little birthday party with you all...

Our cute little cupcakes!!!

Ally is the cute skirt and turtle-neck top..

Fatty in the very short dress...

A picture of us both eating our cake...

Whats left of our cake....

More photos coming up soon!!!

Monday, September 13, 2010

Celebrity Doggie - Part 2.

There's more of my cute pictures!!!!!!!

How about a smile...

I'm so cuteee....

Pictures courtesy of

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Celebrity Doggie.

The weekend was here - and I, with Fatty went out for a little food outing. At the restaurant, I felt like a celebrity.... all these uncles were taking so many pictures of me.... =)

See.... I am so pretty....

The photographers at work.

Photos courtesy of Uncle Kenny.


Guess The Schnauzer...

Can you guess if this is Fatty or Ally?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Daddy & Us.

This weekend is a very long holiday for Daddy.

So we're staying with him for the weekend! =)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Countdown to Our Bday

Woooohoooo, we have just been informed that our bday is in less than 2 weeks away - 12 days to be exact. Gosh we are super excited and wonder what would Mummy and Daddy have planned out for us this year. The best birthday ever was when we had the Baskin Robbins birthday cake and had Uncle and Stephy celebrate together with us. It was so fun! And we all had a huge portion of ice cream cakes on our own. We even managed to snap a family portrait as well - minus Mummy (well somebody HAD to be the cameraman/women ain't it?)

I wonder if we are getting an ice cream cake for our Birthday this year :)

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