Monday, October 27, 2008

Palate Palette.

Today Daddy and Mummy decided to bring me out to a surprise place. I sat in the car alone with Daddy and Mummy for so long only reach wan - Mummy didnt wanna bring the other two cos they were too noisy and hostile, unlike ME :P

So, of course, the cute and cuddly me gets all the benefits of being Mummy's special girl. So I was the only one who tagged along.

"Hehe... me sitting with Mummy's LV bag."

"The place was somewhere near one of Daddy's other site wan."

"Oh... meet my friend Cou Cou too."

By the way, my friend Cou Cou is a very irritating little pug. Keep on dripping saliva and so noisy. Eeeesh...


Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My Daddy is a Dangerous Driver.

Don't believe me? Here are my proof. I even attached photos for you all to see why I think my daddy drives dangerously.

"Can you see me?"

"Cannot ar? Nevermind I come closer ok..."

"See how dangerous my Daddy is - he dont even look in front while driving!"

Hehe.. if police see me on Daddy's lap, sure the police want to stop my daddy and issue a 'saman' to him wan. But I enjoy sitting on Daddy's lap very much - so police canot saman him ok.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

Our Birthday.

Today is our official 3rd birthday - my sister Fatty and myself the youngest. I actually have an older brother too, used to be called Greedy, but I have vague memories of him. According to my Daddy, Greedy was sold to far far away. Mmm but nevermind - too many in the house also taking away Mummy's attention from me. So not good.

Today Mummy brought home a little goodie bag of surprise. It was something from Baskin Robbins. Smells yummy and I'm sure it taste good too.

"Surprise inside the bag..."

"Ohh... its our birthday cake!"

"We are loving the ice cream birthday cake!!!! Yummmyyyzzz..."

"Hey twin sister, Happy Birthday to you too!!!"


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Hey you!

"Hey you!!!!! WELCOME!!!"

Just dropping by.


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