Thursday, January 29, 2009

Chinese New Year New Clothes.

You know how I always hate to wear clothes - I meant, we are seriously not in our native homeland in Europe where there's winter. We are in this hot desert land of Malaysia. But anyways, Mummy said since it was Chinese New Year, I get to wear new clothes cos I would be following Daddy home to visit Grandpa and Grandma.

"Okay.. since I am annoyed, I am not going to pose for pictures."


Monday, January 26, 2009

Why is Daddy taking so long?

"Wait for so long already..."

Today is Chinese New Year and Daddy supposed to come over and bring me out to kai kai wan... but he's taking so long.


Saturday, January 17, 2009

I'm the CEO.

Today I accompanied Mummy and Daddy to Daddy's office. Wow first time I've been to Daddy's office and its so big! Firstly, we entered into this room whereby the doors open itself wan. Then when the doors open, we are at a different place already - daddy's office. Daddy's place is actually quite nice - all carpeted, so very nice for my delicate paws. Can do my runs and walks all I want.

Daddy was doing his work and Mummy was watching DVD while eating, so while I was bored, I checked out the place - playing hide 'n' seek with Daddy hehe. I even found this room far down that looks like a pantry; when I got there, I just couldnt control myself and did my pee pee there hehe.

Anyways, back to the title. Sitting on Daddy's chair make me feel like I'm the Chief Executive Officer of the Company! Hehehe...

"But they need to make the chair higher.."

"Otherwise I sure bang my chin everyday!"

"Hehe I can laugh like the Boss too!"

Hehe one day I'll get to come here again. I know that. Hehe...


Friday, January 16, 2009

Mummy's New Present.

Daddy got Mummy a new soft toy - dunno from where, but it looks very much like us. However Mummy said that the new soft toy doggie is not a Miniature Schnauzer - but instead is a Siberian Husky. Hehe.

And it turns out that its about the same size as me - see how small I am - no wonder Mummy thinks I am super cute!!!

"See how small I am... hehehe"


Thursday, January 15, 2009

I Can Do Hand!

"See me do HAND!"

Hehehe... this is the most basic trick that I know. I can show you a lot more if you feed me and bring me out kai kai more often.


Sunday, January 11, 2009

My Daddy & I.

Sometimes when I see my Daddy eating, I love to join him. Actually in fact, I always join him wan and he's always very nice to give me his share of his food. Today he gave me his mum mum but then he squeeze me between his back and the chair. You see... so cham!

"But I still look cute right?"


Thursday, January 1, 2009

Happy New Year!

"My Daddy, Mummy (holding camera), my real mummy (Stephy) and my sister (Fatty) plus myself - wishing you all a Happy New Year!!!!!"


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