Monday, November 30, 2009

Dedication Bootie

As you all know that our paternal mummy Stephy has left us for quite a few months already. But we all still miss her dearly and felt that it was only fair that we submitted a special bootielicious dedication to her as she has the best AND biggest bootie amongst the 3 of us and to commemorate so we posted these pictures.

We all miss her so much as well as we miss Uncle too. Hope you two are happily in love in Doggie Heaven.

Ally and Fatty

Bootie-licious Contest - Last Entry.

For our 5th and last entry, we've decided to get Daddy to join us too. We figured if we cant win with ONE booty... or say TWO booties... THREE will definitely do the trick!!!

So, Mummy picked up the camera and started choosing her angles - while Daddy was very busy with something... oh, this is the part where we smuggled into some nice place. We shall blog about that later... but for the time being.. here's the bootie call!




Fatty & Ally

p.s. by the way, JD and Max, just in case you didnt know, we've got a lot of different and nice super tasty treats and sweets for you. And we will give them all to you two when your humans come down to KL to visit us. So... you know what to do right? hehehe....

Bootie-licious Contest - Entry 4.

For the next Booty entry, it's still me again, Fatty. After all, I think I stand a better chance than Ally hehe. Or maybe all of you should just vote for both of us...

To improve our chances of winning, I'm submitting yet another entry.

My mummy calls this - 'tall booty'

My daddy says this is 'quick booty'

...and Ally calls this - 'greedy booty'


p.s. I think that should be all for now. Lets search the folders to see if there are others..

Bootie-licious Contest - Entry 3.

Our 3rd entry is a more challenging one - but one that I'm really good at!

I'm entering this for the 'Bottom's Up' category...

Just watch...




Bootie-licious Contest - Entry 2.

Next entry is MY ENTRY. And it has been really difficult for me to find nice booty pics.. but I managed to find some. I hope its good enough for JD and Max. It'll be tough to beat Sasha's... but then, I'm sure the handsome JD and cute Max can do something for me...

'Jumpy booty'...

'Sleepy booty'...

'Curious booty'...


Bootie-licious Contest - Entry 1.

Our best pals JD and Max (oh.. they are the super most handsome-st boys from UK (p.s. a little flattery would be good here wont it? Hehehe)) have came up with the best contest ever!!!!!

As a matter of fact, we think that the contest actually favours us... or generally those of us with uncropped tails!

For this Entry 1 - we've entered for the 'Tail Placement' category.. with my cute little tail.. curvy tail.... like how Groucho spelled his own name... I'm tryin out with saying... HELLOOOO!!!!



Sunday, November 29, 2009

Special Request!

Hey there JD and Max,

We would like to request for the contest to be extended by just ONE day - cos we shall be posting up our entries soon. Daddy says his stoopid internet is still down cos of his stoopid neighbour. Please give us this extra day! Thank you.

Fatty & Ally

p.s. we posted this through Daddy's little blackberry. cant put photos though.

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

Monday, November 23, 2009

Brand's Essence of Ally.

Mummy had some Brand's products at home. Brand's is this product - actually its considered food, although its all liquid - but it smelled and tasted good!!!

To enjoy more of the Brand's Essence of Chicken, Daddy said I had to do some tricks for him...

Firstly, I had to pose with the box and the drinks!

Then, Daddy actually cut holes in the Brand's bag - and then I had to sit inside the bag!

He made me lie down next to the Brand's...

Cuddle the Brand's...

Hey Daddy - I want to drink it already! Enough ler ok...

But Daddy was still not satisfied... he took more photos!

And then one more...

and one more...

I was getting restless, and I didnt wanna bother too much...

Oh no.. I just remembered I'm inside a bag...

Oh no... I am suspecting something..

Daddy loves to do this.. his favourite trick on me...

Arrghhh.. he did it!

I'm hanging around... AGAIN!


Daddy: Hey Ally, want some?

Ooooo I WANT!!!!!!!

After awhile... I'm overdosed on Brand's. Ahahahahaha...


Happy Belated Birthday, Santa.

Our Daddy and Mummy had been really busy this past 2 weeks; especially Daddy cos his office was launching a new property and Mummy who was also very busy with work! And then Daddy's internet connection had been quite off lately (according to Daddy, it was the irritating neighbour's fault for damaging the cables...)

Anyways, we were surfing around Santa's blog, scrolling down... and then we remembered... ohhh... it was Santa's Birthday 10 days ago!!!

Oh no... we're feeling so guilty...

But its better late than never right?

Happy BIRTHDAY SANTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daddy is actually planning a get-together when JD and Max's humans come down - cos we figured they probably want to see Ms Santa (and her huge ears) with their very own eyes too.. we'll keep you posted ok.

Really sorry Santa - and happy belated birthday!

Fatty & Ally

Saturday, November 21, 2009

I need a HERO!!!!!!!!

Do you know what is this? Or should I say, who is this?

My real name is Ally. And this is my superhero character. I havent got a name for the superhero character yet - perhaps you guys can help me out?

I roam the garden by day as myself - and then by night, I am a caped superhero....

What are my super powers????

I CAN FLY!!!!!!!


I have bionic eyes TOO!!!! See my right eye... I can shoot out laser beams!!!!!!

This is how I look like from behind...

Oops, the cap fell over my eyes... I cant see!

Daddy - move the cap pls!

There!! Much better!

Okay - how about a cute pose for the cameras?

And a quick side profile..

So... wanna help me out with a SUPERHERO name???


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