Friday, April 30, 2010

Being on the Dashboard...

I realized its been all Ally recently - so I needed to hijack the blog and put my OWN cute picture... hehehehe....

Monday, April 26, 2010



See how small I am!!!

Daddy is teaching me how to blog from his phone, so I'm trying this out...

Allykins Powers this BlackBerry® wireless device.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Sleepy Sunday.

...chilling and almost falling asleep on Daddy's bed...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Stylish Saturday.

This is a previous picture of me - somehow I got stuck with the clothes hanger. LOL.

Its my way of setting the fashion trend. Hehehe...


Monday, April 19, 2010

Do you like our new BLOG LAYOUT?

Last week - we decided to do away with our boring boring old template and layout - and right now, we come up with something a little cuter...

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Wordless Wednesday.

(am I cute?)

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mirror Image Monday.

Does this look familiar??? I'm trying to mirror image my Daddy and Mummy, drinking Heineken... ooooooooo... no wonder they love this drink =)

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Going out with Daddy & Mummy...

Here's another quick post...

Sometime ago, Daddy brought Mummy and us both out to this place in Bangsar for some nice dinner. Ohh... dinner for them only lor... I was still not feeling well, so I had to wear my cone. But I think people mistaken that - and thought that I was a vicious little doggie... hhmmppphh!!!!

Me in my cone...

...and thats Fatty sitting on Daddy's side...

Fatty can be so greedy... here's why I say so..

Check out her facial expressions!!!!!!!!!!


Thursday, April 8, 2010

Meeting #LucasDog.

Meet Uncle Yee Hou.

Last week, I went out with my Daddy and Mummy to Desa ParkCity to meet him. Ohh... and also meet my apparently future boyfriend as well - his name is Lucas - and I think he's only 3 months old. Wow... I'm so old already....

See how small and cute Lucas is?

...hehehe and Uncle Yee Hou looks very worried - WHY? Cos #Koyuki was smellin his legs..

Ohh... here's my lovely Mummy and Lucas!!!!!!


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