Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Ally: My Story.

Good morning!!! =)

Today, I am going to take over the blog from Perry for a bit - there has been too much Perry of late in here, in our Instagram, our Tumblr... well, there is just too much of Perry. Today, I would like you all to focus a bit more on the cute one in the family... MYSELF of course!!! I still think that I am amongst the cutest Miniature Schnauzers around - and I pride myself to be the most lovable doggie at home. 

Daddy read on that they have this dog bark collars that are able to train dogs well, of which it is able to detect the dog's barking and respond with a stimulated correction - to communicate that the barking is undesirable, and will be punished. Well, they have plenty of these products and are able to be used to train dogs for many different purposes - including hunting, sporting, and of course, companion dogs too! Wont that be so useful for a naughty one like Perry? Hehehe...

This is me and my Daddy.
I am the darling of the family! I may be small sized, maybe a little timid... haha.. but truth is, I am indeed the darling of the family and everyone at home loves me to bits! Daddy says that I am a very good doggie - I would like to think that he has been a good Daddy, so I would be good to him too. Daddy pampers me a lot. He takes me out for walks, drives in the car, gives me plenty of treats, and I sleep next to him every night.

At this moment, Perry does a very sarcastic yawn.... 


"Ally, if you were indeed the good one, then why are you so small, and why am I so much bigger than you? I am obviously more loved, thats why I get all the food and treats!"

Actually, that is NOT entirely true. When I was still a puppy, I was already a very small puppy. I was the youngest of the litter, and I was almost half the size of Fatty when I was born. Daddy said that my food intake would be moderated so that I would be healthy.... and hence, I was a little small sized. But HEY!!! This is the IDEAL Miniature Schnauzer size!

Us being superstars.

Whenever I meet Daddy's friends, everyone would love to carry me around, pat me on my head... but importantly, I was able to mingle around with everyone and all the visitors - unlike Perry, who would be a nuisance and would be disturbing all the other doggies. 

"BLEK!!! That is SO NOT ME!!! I am going to hide myself now...."

Hahaha... that is very typical of Perry. He may look like the huge guardian at home, but the truth is, he is quite a chicken when it comes to outsiders and visitors. He would be barking non stop, and then he would be hiding himself here and there... 

Alright... here is just a little introduction of me.... I will be back with more!

"Ally, I do not know what you have been drinking... but the Perry that you described, is certainly not me."

Perry continues to add on, "Just you wait!!!"


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