Saturday, January 23, 2010

My Videos.

Today's quick update is a series of videos that I featured in and starred in. I may have blogged about it before - but - nevermind; I'm sure you all dont mind seeing me again...

This is me on the treadmill...

This is me doing a fancy 'catch' trick...

How about me and the dancing can....

The most basic trick... its one that I mastered very early... hehe...



JD and Max said...

Oh Fatty, we're a bit worried that when our humans meet you you'll totally wow them with your wonderful talents and they'll start to wonder why we can't do ANY of these tricks - eek! Although we ARE learning the treadmill - but we're not as confident as you seem to be!

Hey, our humans have dragged their suitcases down from the loft and are starting to pack for their holiday. We've been supervising the loading of your pressies, including your prizes for the bootie-licious competition, he he he!

Schnauzer snuggles - JD and Max.

Eric said...

hey there JD and Max,

We need to know again when is the touchdown date for your humans.

Fatty + Ally

Sasha said...

Fatty, you are so talented, and so photogenic!

I'm sure I would be photogenic too, if my lazy human would learn how to record movies as well as just photos...

Puppy kisses

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