Tuesday, March 31, 2009

I'm The Groovy Chick!

I'm the GROOVY CHICK on Board!

Monday, March 30, 2009

My Daddy in the Papers.

Mmm.... whats this?

A few days ago, Mummy brought home this huge looking photo frame and left it in the living room. I was checking out the photo frame - mmm although I cant read, I can recognize pictures. The lower picture on the left is Daddy's office - everytime go kai kai at night also sure drive past it wan. Ohh... the guy on top... its my Daddy.



Sitting on Daddy's Lap.

Today I went out kai kai with Daddy and Stephy and also Ally while waiting for Mummy to come back from her yoga. Hehe so nice ler Daddy's new car - air cond so cold and comfy; but nothing beats sitting on Daddy's lap full time. Its still the most comfy place.


I love to go kai kai!!!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Free Head Rub/Massage.

Its been sometime since I last made a post, in fact, a whole week. Anyways, this week, Mummy took off my cone already. Now I can bite and lick as much as I want!!! Hehehe...

Anyways, back to my post.

Somehow I always love a nice and ticklish head rub.. it feels like a good massage. Yesterday, while Daddy was watching DVD, I went over to him and asked for a head rub... hehehe... and he obliged!

See... so nice...

Mmm Daddy's hand very good at massaging..

Only I got the head rub... the other two didnt.


Thursday, March 26, 2009


Guess what we ate this morning?







Wednesday, March 25, 2009

My Job Application.

To Whom It May Concern,

Since my Daddy always tell me that the economy is bad, I thought I try and apply for a job to lighten his burden - after all, he's got three of us to feed. I'm a very bubbly and cute little girl. I am well known for my loyalty, my outspokenness (I can be very loud!), my friendliness (I've bitten 2 people before) and ultimately, my cuteness.

Anyways, here's my profile.

Name : Fatty

Gender : Female

Race : I always win wan in any race...

Age : 3++

Marital Status : Single

Past Working Experience :

Mummy's Pistachio ('Hoi Sam Ko')
Daddy's Cuddly Toy

Vital Statistics
Height : as tall as the coffee table.
Busts : I have busted many many things...
Waist : Smaller than Stephy's
Dress : Medium / I also wear 3-6months for human babies
Hair Description : Previously salt and pepper, now with slight brown
Shoe : I dont wear shoes.
Collar : My collar got bling bling wan - imported from Bangkok.

Expected Salary
About 3,000 pallets of Eagle Pack / month + daily benefits such as Gardenia bread and Cheezels + weekly benefits of KFC/pizza bread + daily soya bean.

"Generally I can start anytime!"



"Peekaboo!!! I see YOU!"


Sunday, March 22, 2009

Poor Me...

Yesterday I had to go to this place where Mummy brought me before last time to check on my ears - this time to check on my right foot. I dunno what I stepped on or what I ate perhaps, but somehow there was pain in my right foot and then I was limping.

Anyways, the bad person at the place said something to Mummy and made Mummy so worried. Soon after, they put a sharp needle in me and then very soon I felt very blur and sleepy.

When I woke up a little while later, I realized that my right foot was wrapped in a bandage (it itches a lot...) and then I had to wear a stupid cone. Anyways, here are the pictures.

See... so cham right?

I so small - but the cone so big!


Poor me... poor me...


Thursday, March 19, 2009

Stephy's The Boss!

Yup, I'm the Boss, I'm the Princess and I rule the land!

Stop bugging me ok!

Mmm what you want?


Mummy's Sunshine!

If Ally is Daddy's cute little cupcake, then I'm Mummy's ray of sunshine!!!

I also got new shirt mer - its not just the idiotic Ally who got... ahaha... but anyways, I suspect that Daddy and Mummy are up to no good - suddenly treating us damn nice. And then decide to stuff me into this tiny lil shirt. Argghh...

Anyways, I posed for Mummy earlier.

Cute leh?

"Mummy loves me more than the rest!"

"Mmm I'm so tired - I should be sleeping soon..."

Good nightz!


My New Shirt.

Today Daddy bought 3 new shirts - actually shirts for babies hehe for us. I got a very nice and cute little shirt and mine says 0-3months, whilst Stephy's and Fatty's says 3-6months. Hehhee... I'm actually slightly older than that!

"Cute anot me?"

"I'm Daddy's Cute Little Cupcake!"

"Isnt me just so cute......"

"Better than Stephy or Fatty right?"

Okay, thats all for now. Will post more soon!


Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Our Ghostly Eyes.

One thing that myself, Stephy and Fatty share in common is camwhoring. This is something that we learn from Mummy. Mummy enjoys taking photos of us and herself too; but anyways, this photo was taken by Daddy.

"Check out our ghostly eyes..."


Monday, March 16, 2009

I miss my old look!

I used to look like a caveman (Daddy say so) - unshaven and totally raw since birth. But Mummy always say I look super cute and I'm super special because I've never had a haircut before at all.

"This was how I look like before."

But then late last year, I had to undergo an operation at my eye; there was some infection which got Mummy and Daddy so worried.

"After operation, had to wear the cone..."

And after the operation, Mummy sent me for a haircut.

"My current look.. hehe"


I Love Toys!

Somehow it seems like myself and Ally are competing to see who can have more blog posts. Hehe but anyways, I've been around for a whole year plus longer than her - hence I would have so much more history to talk about!!!

This are photos from last year - me and Mummy watching Daddy!

"What am I looking at?"

"Daddy's TAMIYA remote control Lamborghini Gallardo!"

Daddy is such a little boy when it comes to toys. I've been to Daddy's room during Chinese New Year - inside got LEGO buildings, got TAMIYA remote control cars, got remote control helicopter, got his laptop, some tv consoles and much more. Crazy!


Sunday, March 15, 2009


Mummy always like to dress us all up. But sometime recently, she dressed me up in a yellow colour dress that looks so cute - especially with the colour contrast to my skin/fur colours. Hehehe...

"Cute leh me?"


Saturday, March 14, 2009

Irritating Stephy.

"This is me, irritating Stephy. Mmm actually its more like... This is me and irritating Stephy, cos I can get irritated TOO!"


Friday, March 13, 2009

Who Am I?

About ages ago when Mummy and Daddy first brought me home, Mummy had always been calling me her Princess. Me thinks that Mummy call me Princess because Mummy want to be the Queen - which is the case right now cos Daddy everything also listen to Mummy wan. Hehehe... Poor Daddy...

But anyways, who am I?

"I'm Stephy, the cutest in the house!"

"At times, I can also be the crankiest..."

"But I'm still the most adorable..."

"This is me, STEPHY"


Thursday, March 12, 2009

I want my own bed TOO!

I tell you ar.. I have such irritating roommates. I stay in my Mummy's house, together with my twin sister Ally and my real mummy, Stephy. Mummy also not so fair wan - last time only got one bed, so Stephy, who thinks she's the princess, gets the bed.

Now, Mummy and Daddy bought a new sofa bed, a more solid and nicer bed. So there's two beds altogether.

Now Stephy takes the new bed - and treats it like her throne.

And stupid Ally then so fast steal the old bed.

"So bad and so cham to me - I have to result to kao kao on the floor!"


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mummy & Daddy Loves Us A Lot!

During the weekend, Mummy and Daddy went to this new place called Tropicana City to do some minor shopping at this supermarket called Carrefour. As you can see from the picture below, they bought less than 10 items - 9 in fact, and best part is, 8 of the items are for us!!!

"See... they love us to bits!"

A - Wet tissue to wipe my butt wan
B - Daddy's low fat fresh milk - which we will drink too!
C - Toilet rolls to clean our poo poo
D - Daddy's Cheezels - which we love to eat also!
E - Our vege biscuits hehehe
F - My tight pants - for the time of the month wan...
G - Containers to keep our mum mum...

Oh.. Daddy and Mummy also bought themselves one bottle of apple juice - and thats all! Hehehe....

"Ohh.. the 8th item.. my new sofa bed to kao kao in!"


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Daddy, Why is Elmo So Big?

"No space for me ler..."

Dunno why Daddy go and put Elmo Cookie Monsta on my little bed and then block my space. But nevermind it actually feels very cuddly sleeping next to this huge soft toy. And it gets Mummy very amused too.


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