Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Ally's Guide to... GENTING HIGHLANDS!

Fatty has been doing all the travelogues and travel guides to Kuala Lumpur and some food places - but today, I have decided to hijack the BLOG and come up with my portion - my GUIDE to... GENTING HIGHLANDS!!!!

I read that Fatty suggested to JD and Max's humans of Genting Highlands in her guide, but she had never came to write her blog post on it yet - cos why? I guess she dont quite remember of her last experience there. Me neither, thats why I bugged Daddy to bring us there!!!

So it was Sunday, quite a sunny day, and then Daddy decided... "Okay, lets go!"

On the way to the highway (that sounds weird isnt it?), Daddy made a quick stop - and guess what he bought for us? Mmmmm...

Fatty: McDONALDS!!!! Yes thank you Daddy!!!!

Daddy: Okay, I need to drive ok. Everybody chill first!

(acting cute...) Mmmm Daddy, do you need some help?

...with the driving, or the food, for instance? *grins*

Daddy: Okay I'll give you the food if you are good girl ok...

"I will be a good girl.. Okay everybody sit down. Daddy's gonna drive now!!!"

"oooo... but whats that on Mummy's hands?

Is that ice cream??? When there's ice cream, how to be good???? Mmmm....

I wonder what else is there...

Is that McNUGGETS????

Fatty: You see why you cannot do the guide posts? You're always distracted by FOOD! Eeeshh...

So, anyways, we came to this little place.. all the cars had to drive past it, and apparently pay to use the road. I wonder if we were to walk here, do we need to pay the toll?

Fatty: While Ally is busy scouting around and talking, let me enjoy some ice cream from Mummy first!!! Mmm the sundae cone has never tasted so goodddd.....

Fatty: Mummy Mummy.. give me more!!!

Fatty: And a bit moree!!!!!

Eeesh.. greedy Fatty. Anyways, we reached midway through the hills by then; I was already feeling very restless.

Here's the little signboard that you'll see at the midway point...

A bit further up, theres this place called GOHTONG JAYA. There are some good food there - and we recently found out, that theres even a new STRAWBERRY FARM here!!!

Then, we do not need to go to Cameron Highlands anymore to see Strawberries!

Hehehe.. before I continue, let me check and make sure Fatty did not finish all the food...

One, two.. three.. four.. how come only FOUR McNuggets? Daddy got conned!

So, I continued helping Daddy drive up.. and very soon, we reached one of the main features of Genting Highlands!!!

Remember the cable car (Genting Skyway) that Fatty mentioned the other time? We didnt get on.. but we were very very close to it...

It looked like it was going to hit my head.. but then I avoided a bit here and there to make sure it wont hit me.

And then I tried to count how many cable cars are there.. but I got a bit bored after awhile. There were just too many!

So, we looked up and guess what we saw...

The PAGODA temple - the next destination!!!!!

The weather was getting cooler, so I stuck my nose and head out to enjoy the cold breeze...

Mummy calls me a Shorty cos I cant see much, but then its not as though Fatty is that much taller right?

Fatty: As a matter of fact, I AM! I AM WAY TALLER THAN YOU!

A very giant Fatty looking out.

Remember the picture that Fatty stole from the Internet?

Yeah.. this one...

Here's MY version.

See... much bigger and nicer isnt it? Daddy says this is a temple - and a very holy place. And being in Malaysia; although we are Malaysians, but then we are not humans, so we cant exactly go in there. Mmmphhh!!

Soon, Daddy got off the car with us - there's a trick that he did.

And then he gave me a SCARE!!!

Daddy got hungry and wanted to eat some cars!!!!

After his 'automo-meal', he carried us, yes, carried us in the carrier bag and off we went into the temple. We didnt take any photos at the praying area, but we did a few at the tortoise area!

...Daddy was so nice to carry us BOTH in the bag...

Here's some tortoises. They actually look quite cute. But seems kinda smelly though.

Ohh... check out that one in front; Mummy says the tortoise is chillaxing!!!

See what I mean?

Ohh.. here's the proof that we came along too. Check out the bag...

Mummy Mummy!!! Zoooom in pls!!!

Can you see my nose?

Fatty: Thats my nose, by the way...

Then we headed further into the cave... to see something different...


Daddy washed his hands with the holy water. We wanted to take a dip or perhaps a gulp too, but Daddy didnt let us, cos he says those are from the mountains!

Anyways, it was getting late already. We didnt take that many photos after that..

But one thing is, the area up the hill, on the resort itself, was very cold and foggy!

Like this...

And this!!!!!

Fatty: Yeah.. and by this time, Ally, being the baby and kid here, was already too tired to finish up the posting. She went to the backseat and slept with Mummy while I accompanied Daddy in the driving...

"She needs a lot more stamina isnt it?"


Ally + Fatty (just the ending part.. Hehehe)

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Mirror Image Monday: Mirroring JD and Max!

Today, JD and Max did a multiple photo 'Mirror Image Monday' post - and I thought... mmm lets choose one photo that I could mirror easily.. hehe Ally has been hyper active and refuses to camwhore much - so I havta do this alone...

Hence... and anyways, I have chosen this JD and Max's photo!

So cute... one shorteh... one tall...

...and this is my MIRROR IMAGE MONDAY, mirroring their stylish sit down.

Ohh.. JD also put up a little challenge, to see who's taller...

Here's my comparison...

It does look like I am bigger and taller...

I WIN!!!!



Saturday, October 24, 2009

Stylish Saturday: My NEW Style!

*this is going to be a short post...*

Remember how I started the 'Stylish Saturday' thread? This week, I am back again.. with a different twist!

This is me. My name is Fatty.

Ohh.. whos that? It cant be Ally... can it?

And... TAA DAHHH!!!!

Do you know who is this?

The answer is.......


Today, Daddy and Mummy brought me out for a lil haircut... and the old look, no more.

Now I'm all new. The lighter version. Daddy says I'm more aerodynamic now.

One more look...

I hope I still look cute.


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Fatty's Guide to Bahasa Melayu (The Malay Language)

Since JD and Max's humans are coming down, I thought I need to teach them some basic Malay language words so that they can go everywhere and anywhere they want at ease. Dont get me wrong - English is widely used here, but sometimes you just want to try to local language...

Anyways, here are some basic phrases and words to take note:-

SELAMAT PAGI - "cir-lar-mutt pa-gee" - Good Morning!

TERIMA KASIH - "ter-rim-ma car-see" - Thank you!

TANDAS - "Ton-dust" - Toilets!

SAYA - "su(from suddenly) - ya" - I/ME

MAHU - "mah-who" - want

MINUM - "mint-noom" - DRINK!

MAKAN - "mah-cant" - EAT!

BELI - "barely" - BUY!

ANJING - "UN (from understand) - jink" - Doggie!!!

Important here to note that... pls do note. DO NOT tell the guys, "Saya mahu makan anjing!" - it means I want to eat DOG! If you are looking for dog food/treats, its called "Saya mahu beli makanan anjing!" - of which MAKANAN "mah-cant-nun" is FOOD!

This is our 'MAKANAN'.

For meat types, here are some words to remember...

LEMBU - "lamb-boo" - BEEF/COW...

KAMBING - "come-bing" - GOAT/MUTTON...

Our favourite. AYAM - "Ah-Yum"
It means CHICKEN! Our favourite!!!

IKAN - "eeee-cant" - Fish!

ARNAB - "arrrrr-nub" - Rabbit! Yes, they serve rabbit meat here.

DURIAN... pronounced as DURIAN also - its Malaysia's King of Fruits!

INI - "eee-neee" - This...

ITU - "eee-too" - That...

BANYAK - "bah-nyak" - too much / very much

MAHAL - "mah-hull" - expensive

...and then we put it together...

INI BANYAK MAHAL - this very expensive!

JALAN - pronounced as "Jar-Lon" (as in LONdon)
It means Road/Street...

How about some numbers too?

I'm the only ONE here.

Satu - "su-too" - ONE!

Dua - "do-ah" - TWO!

Theres Two of us!!!!!

Tiga - "tee-gah" - THREE!

Mmm I wonder where's Greedy now...

Empat - "Amp-pat" - FOUR!

Daddy's got 5 fingers - but I got FOUR!

Lima - "lee-mah" - FIVE!

Enam - "errrr-numb" - SIX!

Theres like SIX of us here in this photo...

Tujuh - "too-jo" - SEVEN!

Lapan - "lah-pan" - EIGHT!

Sembilan - "Sam-bee-land" - NINE!

Yes... before Daddy and Mummy had us, they used to like bunnies!!!!!

Sepuluh - "sap-poo-loh" - TEN!

Seratus - "sah-rahhhh-toss" - ONE HUNDRED!

Seribu - "sah-rib-booo" - ONE THOUSAND!

Mmm... did I miss out any other important words?


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