Monday, May 11, 2009

Happy Mummy Day!

Ohh.. before I start, I got an award!!!!

Its called the 'Proximity Award'... what a great award, passed along to me by JD and Max (the ones who truly look like me). According to them, this award means that MY blog invests and believes in proximity - nearness in like everything!

See my great award? But I dont know why JD and Max actually gave to Stephy and Ally too - I think I'm the only one who deserves this award!

Anyways, let me begin my blog post for today...

Its not about how cute I am...

Its not about how adorable I am...

Its not about how smart and obedient or how fierce I am also..


Its about my Mummy!!!

Earlier today Daddy came over and took Mummy out - to go to a Mummy's Day lunch with grandmama. I didnt get to go though, but nevermind - I know that today is a Sunday and Daddy will definitely bring me out..

This is my Mummy - Happy Mummy's Day!!!!!

My Mummy is my only one and No.1 in this world!

Ohh.. I'm supposed to wish Stephy Happy Mummy's Day too - she's my biological mummy. But I'm still annoyed at her - and Daddy too. Daddy brought Stephy home last night and left me in the hot hot hot Mummy's place while Stephy enjoyed aircond all night long. Eeeesshhh!!!

Anyways, Happy Mummy's Day!!!



JD and Max said...

Hi Fatty - glad you made a fuss of your human mummy today, she's very pretty, that's a cute photo of two pretty girls snuggling up together! Tail wags - JD and Max.

Eric said...

wow... JD and Max.. u guys really update and comment fast... hehe...


JD and Max said...

He he he! We're fast on weekends, not so fast during the week! We get alerts that tell us which blogs have just been updated you see - oh yes, and we're very nosey too, he he!!

Anonymous said...

the doggie is cute! =D
happy mum's day to all mums!

Eric said...

JD and Max - hehehe its alright - we're very nosey too. - thanks!


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