*note* this is going to be a very long post.
Good afternoon people. My name is Fatty. I am a Miniature Schnauzer - generally its what you humans call as a 'dog'. This post is generally started by me, but since Stephy and Ally wanted to add in too, I'll just let them. Anyways, this post is regarding my favourite foods. Yes... you have it right. Its the M place. You call it McDonalds!
Oh... by the way, in case you havent met my mother; this is Stephy.
She's a big McDonalds fan lover too!!!
So, here we are. As Daddy and Mummy both promised us all, we were supposed to go to get our McValue lunches today. Ohh... before I go, let me check if the neighbour wants some too...
After awhile, it seems like no one's home. I guess we shall not wait. Lets head out now!
...and off I go..
When its food, Stephy gets excited.
When its McDONALDS, all of us get EXTRA EXCITED!!!
Fatty: Hey Stephy, I'm ordering here ok! Not YOU!
Anyways, soon after, Daddy started driving off. The journey felt like sooooo long and we were anticipating and anticipating and waited and waited... it was beginnin to feel like its damn far...
But then, before we knew it...
But then, before we knew it...

Welcome to McDonalds!!!

Fatty: You blur Ally! We are not in USA... Malaysian cars are right hand driven lahhh!!!

But what she didnt know was... Stephy and Fatty were secretly planning something else in the backseat...

Fatty: (whispers back) Okay okay.. will do. So what do you wanna eat?
Stephy: I think I'll have a Filet-O-Fish McValue LUNCH.
Fatty: Is that all? Cos I'm having McChicken McValue LUNCH.
Stephy: It should be okay for me...

Stephy: On second thoughts, I think I'll have a McChicken McValue too.

Ally: Okay... thats my Filet-O-Fish McValue there.. and Stephy's and Fatty's McChickens too...
Soon after... we got home. So, it was time for 'mum mum'!!!!!

So, we had to take a group photo first...

Ally: I think I look better like this..
Fatty: Faster eh... I'm hungry already...

...mmm maybe I could steal some when Fatty's not looking...

Fatty: But not for long... it'll be gone when we start eating.
Mummy says we have to eat slowly.. and she also said she'll feed us... grrr... why the hassle!???

Daddy and Mummy, when are we eating the burgers?????

Stephy: Actually that looks good too. How again ar? Should I beg for some? Or should I stick to my McChicken. Decisions decisions...

So... to end this already very long post, we would like to conclude with our group picture.

We meant...
love and kisses,
AllyStephy, Fatty and Allyyyyyy.
cute!! this is a job well done! =)
must have taken you lotsa patience rite?
hehhee quite a fair bit of training for the girls... hehehe...
it takes a lot of time to produce this pictures.. ehhe
Ooooh - we're drooling! You girls look very cool in your stylish outfits - very cute. Snuggles - JD and Max.
WALAO... nice nice i must say...
Ooh...yummy food! Makes me want to get one too! I wonder if Mom would let me join the contest too...*wink*
Dear Stephy,Fatty and Ally,
wau, u guys can pose nicely for cam whore ya,
i cant!i will keep on dancing(turn circle) around d burger~they are unable to take my pix :p ,kekeke~
Wow, the three of you are really patient!! How could you just sit there with the food in front of you? You are lucky, I will never get to eat those stuff. Mummy said they are not good for me.
- Santa
Dosz - yeah... it took quite a fair bit of time.
JD and Max - mmm so u drooling over the girls or u drooling over the McDs?
joshuaong - thanks!
Scottie - no no cannot... we are doing this so that Daddy can win his own iPhone 3G n not disturb out Adsense earnings...
Carrie - hehehe we can dance too...
Santa - hehehe Mummy says a little bit wont harm us wan.
Stephy, Fatty & Ally
HI Fatty, Stephy & Ally!
You three had quite an adventure! Those McValue meals look delicious! My Owners never let me eat that stuff! You all did a great job posing before you got to eat!
:) Tibby
Hi Eric - we're drooliing over the food! We wouldn't drool over the girls - not until we'd done the gentlemanly thing and courted them properly of course, he he! We're too shy - they're so pretty and we're just inexperienced young pups from the other side of the World, sigh.....! JD and Max.
did they drink the coke??
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