Monday, May 18, 2009

Spoilt for choice...

I seem to notice that the popularity of this blog here lies with my daughters, Ally and Fatty - I mean, whenever I make my blog post, there dont seem to be many comments. In fact, like my previous post, its like NONE. I'm so disappointed...

I was thinkin of what to choose for the us all - but then again, maybe I'll have them all to myself.



JD and Max said...

Oh Stephy - we love your posts! In fact, you're so small and cute we think you might be our favourite - just don't tell Ally or Fatty, he he he! Hey - keep the dog biscuits all to yourself to cheer yourself up! Snuggles - JD and Max.

Captain Nemo said...

Sweet stephykins! I love your blog posts, please keep posting.

Eric said...

hey guys...

hehehehe sorry just wanted to get some attention. Fatty has a very long post coming up soon... hehehe on my favourite subject, McDonalds!


Scottie the 'Cutie' said...

No worries, Stephy. Just post more than Ally and Fatty, and you'll definitely get more comments! *wink*


Liffey said...

Lots of liffey's licks for you- you are cute and loved!

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