The Adventures of Fatty & Ally... and the super awesome Perry too!
Daddy bought this little bag just a short while ago - it was supposed to be for one of us lucky ones to go out with them to certain places that didnt allow doggies like us - in fact, I even went out with Daddy and Mummy to this shopping centre called Pavilion too in this bag...
Anyways, Ally and I were both stuffed into this little bag and we headed to this shopping centre called ONE UTAMA. It was such a huge place - and we ended up at this place called Pets More.
And guess what... Daddy bought ANOTHER BAG!!!!!!
First there's one... now there's two bags, for myself and Ally!
So we had been going out with Daddy and Mummy quite a lot the past few days. We had photos at some of those places, but not all of it though - really sorry.
On Thursday, we went to this place called CAFE CAFE, thats actually along Jalan Maharajalela - or something like that according to Daddy. (sorry we had no photo here - so we had to steal from somewhere else online) It was a nice restaurant - there was a lot of people and we had no choice but to sit in the bag as Daddy and Mummy were afraid we would scare off some people...
Then, on Friday, we went out to another place. This place was called SIDS - its actually a pub. Mummy brought us there to meet her friends Auntie Lainey and Uncle Kenny Sia. Once again we had no photos, but we promise we'll show you some next time. Daddy and Mummy are very keen to go there again as we were given a very warm welcome there. In fact, we even got Mummy and Auntie Lainey free drinks!!!!!
Then on Saturday, Mummy and Daddy brought us to visit Uncle Joe at Hartamas Square. He was holding a little event called Fun(d) My Lens - and we got to become guest models for him.
Here's a little photo of us together - taken by Uncle Joe.
See how cute we are!!!! Hehehe... of cos, we got our treats too!
If you try to hurt any of my loved ones, I will attack you!!!!!
You see... Mummy has this little bracelet.
On the bracelet is 3 little charms (things that hang onto the bracelet...)
See how pretty mine is on me... I'm such a pretty girl isnt it?
Ally has one too... and hers also has 7 little charms on it...
Fatty loves to go kai kai, like Mummy
Ally is very whiny, like Daddy
Stephy is lazy, like Daddy *hehehe and so it ALLY!!!*
Fatty is very cheeky, like Mummy
*nehhhhh now you can take picture with my cute face in the frame tooo!*
Ally is always seeking for attention, like Daddy *Mummmy, don't take picture without me ok? Or i'll just keep coming :P*
Stephy is a poser, like Mummy
Aiks... whats this??? Hehehe...