Today we went to the beach. Daddy decided to spontaneously bring us down to this place called PD ("Port Dickson") just about after lunch. Mummy had already been damn nice to cook us a nice lunch; daddy then bring us out to kai kai...
The journey was very long - took us about 1 hour plus which felt like days. But anyways, when we finally got there, I realized what the 'beach' meant... the beach is a nice sandy place with lotsa sticky thorny things that stuck all over my fur... ahahaha...

We hung around the beach for a short while only - very soon later it started raining and then Mummy wanted to leave already. It took Mummy twice as long as we were on the beach to remove all the sticky thorny things from my body... hehehe...
I know what's the beach. I've been there too. I didn't get into the water though. There seems to be so much water, I'm afraid I might get swallow by the water! I just stayed in mummy's arms, safe and sound.
hehhee Stephy got to run around - but caught so much of those thorns that stick to the fur...
n yea... they are super scared of the water.
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